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Wine I oughta'

My first experience with wine was well planned and eventful. I was a freshman in High School, my friend
Cindy was a sophomore. We had heard many funny (from our senior friends) about how getting drunk was ever soooo cool. We wanted our own stories to tell. So naturally we discuss the possibility with our moms (that's right.) After much discussion a decision was made. We could do it. But, with rules. 

Rule one: We get our own drink of choice. Our mothers would have nothing to do with it, monetarily or  otherwise.

Rule two: The event would take place at Cindy's house and we could include one other friend. Cindy's mom would be out of the house overnight (a phone call away) and my mom would be home (a few houses down) in case of an emergency.

Rule three: Because Cindy could drive and I had a permit, the car keys were taken away. This rule stands true today.. don't drink and drive.

That's it girls. See you in the am. (grins on their faces)

 On the day of the "event" four bottles of Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill Wine showed up at the door - delivered by one of our senior friends. (Why is everybody grinning?) After a few minutes of admiring our bounty, we went on to the all important task of choosing the glass we would use to consume our story in a bottle. We decided on the tallest glass. Let the drinking begin.

We drank the first glass slowly, savoring the taste of strawberry. Yum... tastes like jello. Needless to say it didn't take much and we were in the "you're my best friend"... "I love you" stage. We were so happy. We danced, we sang, we ran around with no clothes on. Soon after came the confession stage "did I ever tell you I want to be you?".... Then comes I shouldn't have had that last bottle stage. I lay across the bed pleading for the room to stop spinning and promising my mom if I make it through this I will never drink again. This was the consensus of the room.

The next morning I arrive home with my head pounding - (the sound of my own voice was enough to make me cry) and mom asks in her loudest speaking voice "How was it?" My hands fly up to my cover ears, the universal gesture for "Ouchhhhhhh must you use words to communicate with me?" She sent me up to my room armed water and orange juice. I spent the rest of the day and evening sitting cross- legged in my beanbag chair praying the pounding would stop and my sisters would do their living and breathing somewhere far away. Mom came to check on me a few times and simply grinned. Her work was done. I didn't drink again for a long, long, time or eat strawberry jello.

If you find yourself the morning after New Years Eve sitting cross - legged in a beanbag chair try a couple of the remedies below. 

  • Drink plenty of water and try to stay away from coffee and carbonated drinks. 
  • Mixed fruits are one great way to treat your hangover. Fruits such as bananas, peaches, grapes and strawberries make good smoothies for hangover cure. It is also nice to add vitamin supplements while making a smoothie.
  • If you have a juicer, cranberry, apple and orange juices are also quite helpful to give one’s body a boost on Vitamin C. Natural fruit juice i advised rather than those seemingly 100% organic juices from the supermarket. Remember that the freshest juices are those squeezed from the freshest fruits, and the healthiest juices are those which have been squeezed by none other than yourself.
  •  Eggs are also natural cure for hangovers. But remember not to fry it, pouch it or boil it then add it to your hot soup. Avoid foods with plenty of fats and oils.

*Ginger is also believed to detoxify the body and helps in setting back the balance in the body by aiding in the flushing out of the alcohol.

You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack... it grew by one. So there... there were two of us in the wolf pack... I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, "Wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine. So tonight, I make a toast!


  1. Katelynd Hang Over Cures:
    1 Giant Bottle of water followed by a coke the size of your head and deep dish pepperoni pizza from lou malnatis!!!

  2. Jane,

    HA HA HA...why is it the first time is always BOONE'S FARM APPLE WINE? I never tried the wine but had many friends who did. I did not imbibe until I was 17 and then it was some kind of whiskey (straight out of a bottle - no coke, seven-up or anything) What was I thinking! Talk about spinning!

    You have such humorous tales! LOL LOL

    Do you still see Cindy?

  3. I love this story, it's very funny. Honestly, I have never gotten drunk because I don't even drink. I have tried a few sips of different alcohol and that's it. :)

    Your mom is so cool, by the way, playing along and everything.


  4. I love this story:) You had funny moms. I remember the Boone's days way back when:) Fond memories.



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