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Vitamin D and Me

 A preparation, often in the form of a cream or lotion, used to protect the skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Vitamin D*
A fat-soluble vitamin occurring in several forms, especially vitamin D2 or vitamin D3, required for normal growth of teeth and bones, and produced in general by ultraviolet irradiation - found in milk, fish, cheese and eggs.

Oreo *
A good cookie; made up of two chocolate cookies with vanilla filling, can also come in double stuffed

I wear sunscreen everyday rain or shine all year. That's what we've been told to do.... right?  To help prevent skin cancer, wrinkles and the like.... SUN BAD!  I wasn't always so disciplined, but for the last ten years I've been Miss SPF 55. Until a recent visit to the endocrinologist I was quite proud of this effort. I was at my Doctors office for a regular visit for my thyroid, he also checked my vitamin D levels (I must have looked pale.) The nurse draws blood and leaves the room. It's just me and the latest issue of Thyroid Monthly (yay) waiting for the Doc to make his long awaited appearance. Thirty minutes later.  Ta Da...Hello Doctor. He sits down across from me -  he has my file in one hand, while his pointer finger on the other hand is wagging in my face. He says with a very stern irritated tone "you have virtually no vitamin D in your system, the lowest I've ever seen! Don't you drink milk, eat cheese or see the light of day without sunscreen?" It took me a minute to fully understand what was happening. Sixty seconds later.  Oh, I see. I'm being verbally bitch slapped. So naturally I start defending myself.. unless you want a third nipple growing on your forehead who drinks milk.. Seriously? I found a milk with no hormones, but the owner of the company runs for office every two years and (based on his politics) clearly hates women. Soy milk is out because of my thyroid and don't you find too much cheese a bit binding?!? Furthermore had I known this whole low VD thing was going to be such an issue, I would have scored some Vit D heavy blood and brought the sample in myself!  As for sun light without sunscreen No. No I don't and you can't make me. I take a deep breath straighten my jacket move back into my chair and say " you'll have to forgive my outburst, I have low Vitamin D."

*Diagnoses - virtually no vitamin D

*Prescription - 50,000 watts of rompin' stompin' Vit D in pill form

*45 minutes of sunshine daily with no sunscreen  early in the morn or late afternoon ( I made the decision to do this "HE "had nothing to do with it)
*3 glasses of Horizons hormone free feminist milk with a bag of Oreo cookies.( okay, I added the oreos)

*cheese in moderation

Not so fun fact* "We estimate that vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition in the world."
                                          Dr. Michael F. Holick, vitamin D expert

Drink a hormone free glass of milk.
Eat cookies
while lounging in bed
 walk downstairs
 to eat swiss cheese
holding a yellow umbrella.

                                                                           The end.  Yours in VD and Oreo Cookies,

                                            A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
                                                                    Steve Martin   


  1. Cristie without the hAugust 17, 2011 at 9:18 PM

    Thinking of Moving to Colorado for more Vitamin D. I need the bright skies and sun reflecting off the snow. No vitamin can give that to me. Sadly. But still look forward to viewing the sun from a different perspective. I am going to try a make a great last leg of my life and see what happens. While others keep popping those vitamins. Will let you know how it all works out. Why not? Right!

  2. You and me both! Well, I don't know about the lowest for me but I apparently lack it too! I just don't get enough sunshine in this rainy city of Melbourne.

  3. You know, for a long time I didn't drink any milk and because I walked outside I got plenty of sunshine (too much...I walk inside at the gym now). I love cheese and eat a slice everyday with my usual turkey roll-up on a soft tortilla. As for the oreo's, I keep a package in the pantry not so much for me but for Bella who eats only the filling? Who only eats the filling and not the entire cookie? She sure didn't get that from me. I could dunk with the best of them!! Remember dunking and sucking the milk out of the cookie before eating them?

    You're going to be just fine!! I love your do-it-yourself Dr. orders. LOL LOL

  4. I LOVE the fact that you are able to ingest more oreos in order to help correct your deficiency (mostly because they are one of my favorite cookies in the whole world). Glad you found a girl-friendly milk:)


  5. Great and funny article here, those oreos look yummy!


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