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flea finds: act one

 flea market* an open-air market that sells cheap, old or used articles

 flea* a type of small insect that jumps instead of flying

 flea in one's ear* Informal a sharp rebuke

The open air flea market season has begun! I go to an indoor market in winter, but your still find yourself inside with no fresh air. I must tell you, living in Chicago-land the winters are long and spring is just a continuation of the same - only less snow.  Needless to say - we all get a little stir crazy. On one of my trips to the flea in January -  I spotted a great booth with wonderful coats, handbags, lamps, furniture... seriously, this space had the whole sch-bang! I'm deep in shop mode when out of the corner of my eye, I see movement around the neck of the woman who's booth I'm so happy to be in. Upon entering her lair, I did kind of notice she was wearing what looked to be a fur around her neck.  But, I was in a trance that pulled me right passed her and directly to the handbags. I  take a couple of polite glances in hopes of identifying the source of movement. No luck. This was going to take a straight up, face to face look see. I move around to the entrance and politely smile and say hello to the proprietor. Look one, I see a mass of reddish brown fur. Look two, I see a fox stole with the face of a grinning terrier. (EEK!) Look three, finally, I see clearly - she has a teacup terrier in her hand with it's head right where the fox head should be. I say..... "ya know.. . your fox stole looks alive". With a devilish grin  she says, "I know. I planned it that way".  Yeah... like I said, a little stir CRAZY.

Below are some of the things just purchased at the's gonna be a good season!

Hydrangea, a favorite.

Don't you just love this necklace? The bird wears it well.

Sundays haul at a glance. 
The alligator bag is a Lucille De Paris. Perfect leather inside (with the change purse and mirror) with a little conditioning outside - this baby will be on my shoulder come fall. LOVE.

Vintage Armani sunglasses and vintage eyeglass frames, not bad for three bucks.
  (I'm going to have my prescription put in the frames).

Horn purse - so beautiful.

McCoy pottery.

One fab'o filet- o- fish platter.

A tip to flea by:

I feel like there's a world of possibilities out there.
Liza Minelli


  1. Jane,

    How funny! That would have freaked me out! HA HA

    I love flea markets and antique shops AND I LOVE OLD THINGS! Great idea on those frames...I would have never thought of that? That's why you are good at what you do, thinking outside the box. Great purse and I love that pottery! The fact that it is green doesn't matter to me (except I hate GREEN in anything except the outside) HA


  2. Jane,

    Thanks for your comment and for following my blog! I am in awe of your flea finds-you def. have a discerning eye. That necklace is gorgeous! And alligator purse: to. die.

    I look forward to reading and exploring all that you have to say!


  3. I love flea markets! By the way, great finds you got there! I absolutely adore the alligator bag, it looks fab.

  4. What gorgeous pieces! Love the purse and the necklace on the bird (great styling!)
    Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely week!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  5. The glasses, the glasses! Too amazing for words! Geoffrey and I are very gee-louse. The purses, the necklace! It's all beautiful and DAMN does the kitchen look gorgeous. Can't wait to come home and go to the flea market!

  6. Great blog. Must find my leather tooled purse for display. It has a bake lite handle. Bought for decor but carried it for awhile too! Got many compliments.

  7. Quite inspiring.


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