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Showing posts from April, 2012

I wanna hold your hand

Seriously. These Otters are the cutest, cutest, cutest!   Seriously. Otter : Flounder, I am appointing you pledge representative to the social committee. Flounder : Gee Otter, thanks. What do I have to do? Otter : It means you have to drive us to the Food King.  Animal House

I love knowledge Fridays

I follow a great blog on tumblr, it's all words. Nothing but words. Check it out here. Love. This would be me. I had to stop driving my car for a while... the tires got dizzy. Steven Wright

Cool Breeze

       A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache.    Catherine the Great    Love Him.  image via tumblr

Every picture tells a story

I have always had a fascination with faces and hands. I love the way this artist portrays both. Meet Michael Carson LOVE. Michael Carson "I paint people because I have always had a serious addiction to watching people. I try to get that feel in my paintings. As if I am just watching people doing everyday things in my work. I love the subtle ways that a single brush stroke can create such subtleties in facial expression. I spend most of my time on the face and hands. They tell the story or create an interesting pose". Dr. John Watson : [ Holmes points his violin bow at Watson ] Get that out of my face. Sherlock Holmes : It's not in your face, it's in my hand. Dr. John Watson : Get what's in your hand out of my face. Sherlock Holmes Movie 2009 images via

All in a Day's work

The truth is balance. However the opposite of truth, which is unbalance, may not be a lie. Susan Sontag